Frequently Asked Questions

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When was Kibbutz Be’eri (Be’eri) established?

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What is the relationship history between the Gazan residents and the Be’eri community?

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Is Be’eri run as a traditional Kibbutz?

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How are decisions made in Be’eri?

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How many people live in the Kibbutz?

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Which organizations and businesses are Be’eri owned?

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Why is Be’eri considered a leader in the region?

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What happened on October 7th?

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How many were killed or taken hostage?

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Is it true that the Kibbutz members were brutalized?

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Why wasn’t Be’eri better protected, and what took the army so long to arrive?

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Where is everyone living now?

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Are there still Be’eri hostages in Gaza?

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Have Be’eri residents returned to collect their belongings?

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Does Be’eri allow visitors to come and bear witness to the events of October 7th?

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Has anyone returned to Be'eri?

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Where will the residents of Be'eri live until their homes are rebuilt?

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Does the community want to return to Be’eri?

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How has the massacre changed the community’s political views?

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What is the biggest challenge for the people of Be'eri today?

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Why does Be’eri require financial assistance if considered a successful and robust Kibbutz?

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How has the government helped families?

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How much money has the government/Tekuma allocated?

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If the government supports rebuilding, why are you raising money?

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What exactly are you raising money for, and how much do you need?

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When will you know more about the capital campaign projects?

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Are you working with other Kibbutzim or regional communities impacted by October 7th?

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I am ready to donate today. What is your most pressing need?

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